
Showing posts from May, 2023

The Effects of Summertime

     In class the other day, as we were talking about Benji quietly sitting in bed at Sag and listening to the sounds of the beach and his surroundings, all of a sudden, I got really nostalgic for summer vacation. During summer, at least for me, life just feels all around different; there are almost no responsibilities, the days pass quickly, and nothing you do is that meaningful in a conventional, productive way. Yet I know for a lot of kids, like me, it’s a way to recharge and recuperate so that you are fresh and ready to put in your best effort the following academic year, but I think there’s sort of a separate side effect of summer that can make it more than just time to veg out. I think a big feature about summer is that all this nothingness forces us to stop and think about things and reflect on who we are. In a way, a lack of productivity provokes self-reflection and forces people to do new things rather than stick to the activities which are dictated by school the whole year. I